Payment methods

The magnetic card payment method has been introduced by the Főnix Taxi of Debrecen, which allows contracted partners and individuals to pay without using cash or any paper. If you choose credit card or magnetic card method of payment, please tell it to the dispatcher, and we send a taxi equipped with credit card terminal.

  • Taxi voucher – for contracted partners
  • Cach (HUF, EURO, USD)

Trademark:FŐNIX TAXI name and logo under trademark protection
MSZH registration numbers: 197833, 197837, 209644
Phone: 52-444-444
Tax number: 23519798-2-09
Seat: 4025. Debrecen, Arany János u. 32. fsz. 1.
Manager: Tisza Tibor Phone: 06-52-444-444
Executive: Tisza Tibor Phone: 06-52-444-444
Number of contracted cars: 143 pcs
Independent dispatcher license number: D-09-1.

Determining the extent of liability insurance related to the activity license for up to 150 cars: 5.000.000,- HUF
A felügyeleti szervek megjelölése:
Fogyasztóvédelmi Felügyelőség 4024. Debrecen, Szent Anna u. 36.
Tel: 52/533-924, Fax: 52/327-753
Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Kormányhivatal 4026. Debrecen, Széchenyi u. 46. Tel: 52/502-100, Fax: 52/502/102
Comment and complaint handling:Tel: 52-444-444, email: